September 01, 2011

First Blog of the Georgia Native Pollinator Ecological Assessment & Bio-Inventory

To those interested;

Plan to begin semi-regular (Bi-Weekly...@ the very least) posts soon.

Will cover: (w/ loads of Site-/Pollinator-/Crop-/Seasonal-Specific IMAGES & INFORMATION!!)

(1) 2010 Data - ANY & ALL findings gleaned through Mining/Analysis/Interpretation of 2010 Dataset (As of July-2011 - Roughly 13,000+ TOTAL specimens, 2250+ Apoidea & 3300+ Pollin. Diptera - Etc), & how they better clarify &/or update Publication(s)
- After peer-review journal publication, reporting into trends, findings, habitat adjustments, new
GA records, species abundances (both temporally & regionally), diversity, comparisons across
Study & Natural Sites...
(2) 2011 Data - Determinations/Identifications as I get them done (from 'TIER 1 - lowest taxonomic , compilation of specimen/site/date/device datasets as they're constructed